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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Ediţia nr.1-2 din 2001  

  Rezumat:  The Problem of the Liturgical Books and the Theological Instruction in The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America. Although the first Romanian (Samuilă Damian) are present in United States of America from 1750, and then, in the time of Independence War, several Romanians had been remarked on the battle-field, we can speak about a Romanian emigration in the United States only from the turn of the twenty century. The first parish was founded in August 1904 in Cleveland, Ohio, but the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America was established as a Diocese only at a general Church Congress held in the city of Detroit, Michigan, on April 25-28, 1929. At that time the Diocese was canonically under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Orthodox Church. From 1935 to 1939 the head of Diocese was His Grace, Bishop Policarp Moruşca. In 1947-1952 the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America break up the canonical relations with Romanian Orthodox Church. From 1952 to 1984 the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America was headed by Bishop Valerian Trifa, and from 1984 is headed by Archbishop Nathaniel Popp. This study explore two problems witch were, long time, a really problems for the Diocese and his heads. A. The first, problem of the liturgical books, has three stages: 1) At the beginning, the liturgical books were carried in America from to Romania. As argument to this assertion we mention in this study three documents: two letters of the Partenie, Metropolitan of the Moldova and of the Elie Miron Cristea, Diocesan secretary of the Sibiu Diocese, and a petition of Moise Balea (the first romaine parish priest in America). 2) The second stage in the solve process of this problem was the printing of the liturgical books just in America. Here was printing, certainly, many liturgical books in Romanian. We know only two: "Cantorul bisericesc" and "Cantorul şi Apostolul creştin". 3) The final stage of this problem was the printing of all liturgical books in bilingual edition (Romanian and English). In this way the problem of the liturgical books was solve for ever. B. The second problem, theological instruction, was solve too, in more stage: at the beginning, priest instruction are made in the theological schools from Romania. Then, the priests were instruction in the different programs. Finally, the solve of the problem was: instruction of the clergy in the Theological Orthodox Schools from United States.  
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